Info - Camp & Advanced Clinic
Week 1 Registration
Week 2 Registration
Week 3 Registration
H.S. Registration
Info - Conditioning
H.S. Registration
Please submit payment after registration
Indicates required field
Player Name
[object Object]
Fall Sport
Cross Country
Dance Team
Field Hockey
Swim & Dive
Winter Sport
Dance Team
Ice Hockey
Indoor Track
Spring Sport
Outdoor Track
Fall 2025 Grade
Student Email
Parent/Guardian Contact Name
Parent/Guardian Contact Email
Parent/Guardian Contact Phone Number
I waive and release Braintree Conditioning, LLC from any and all liability for injury and illness going to this program, from home or while at the program or while returning home. I, as the parent/guardian, have actual knowledge and appreciation of the particulars of the program and hereby voluntarily consent to said minor’s participation and assume the risk arising there from. I hereby give permission for emergency medical treatment in the event I cannot be reached. Each athlete is subject to immediate dismissal if he or she does not comply with the program rules and regulations, or if the athlete is found to be detrimental to the interest of the program. No refunds. I authorize the directors to act for me in an emergency medical situation. I certify that my child is in excellent physical health, and may participate in strenuous physical activities at the Braintree Conditioning, LLC program.
I give permission for my son/daughter to participate in the Braintree Conditioning, LLC program. I acknowledge that we have read and understand the program policies, and that my son/daughter will abide by these rules during the entirety of the program.
Furthermore, I understand that it is my responsibility as a parent/guardian to notify the coaches if my child has any medical condition and to discuss treatment options. I understand that my child’s participation in athletics is voluntary and that my child and I are free to choose not to participate. By signing this form, I affirm with full knowledge, to release the Braintree Conditioning, LLC program and its coaches from any and all claims, rights of action and causes of action that may have arisen in the past or may arise in the future, directly or indirectly from personal injuries to my child or property damage resulting from my child’s participation in the Braintree Conditioning, LLC program.
By submitting your consent, you hereby grant Braintree Conditioning, LLC the right to use your image, likeness, and any associated content on our social media platforms for promotional and marketing purposes, including but not limited to posting on our Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other social media accounts, without any compensation to you.
Covid Compliance:
I certify that my child is in good health and may participate in strenuous physical activities. I certify that there are no physical limitations to my child’s participation in soccer. I hereby release the Braintree Conditioning, LLC program its member leagues, teams, agents, officers, coaches and players from all liability or responsibility for any claim, damage or legal action on behalf of the player or the player’s parents, heirs, or personal representatives, arising from any injury or illness the player may sustain while participating in soccer or related activities.
Additionally, I agree that I will adhere to the following rules as it is related to ‘Return to Play Guidelines’:
a. Any player, parent and or spectator who is sick, has a persistent cough, is running a temperature or is displaying any symptoms suggesting that the individual may be ill, (from any contagious malady, including cold, flu, or suspected corona virus) will be prohibited from attending.
3. It is understood that prior to participation that:
a. I will take my child’s temperature prior to them attending all training sessions. If my child has a fever they will not attend trainings.
b. The player has had no close contact with a sick individual or anyone with a confirmed case of COVID-19.
c. The player has not had a documented case of COVID-19. If they did have a documented case, they have since received confirmation that the virus is no longer present in their body through a negative test result.
d. The player is not currently demonstrating or suffering from any ill symptoms.
“COVID-19 Release”
I understand and acknowledge that participation in athletic activities includes possible exposure to and illness from infectious diseases, including COVID-19, and while modified rules may reduce this risk, a risk still exists. Understanding these dangers and risks, I hereby voluntarily am choosing to participate in these activities and, if applicable give my permission to my child to participate in these activities. I understand that the released parties have no obligation to provide medical and/or financial assistance in the event of an injury or illness from these activities. I acknowledge that I (myself / my child) am fully assuming the risk of these activities even if arising from the negligence of the released parties.
Yes or No
In case of accident or serious injury and I cannot be reached, I hereby authorize the Braintree Conditioning, LLC program to arrange transportation to the nearest hospital and for my child to be treated by the hospital physician on duty.
Yes or No
Please List Any Medical Conditions & Medications Below:
Physician Name
Insurance Policy #
To Fully Register - After Hitting Submit:
Please Continue to Payment Tab
Venmo Payment to @Summer-Conditioning (please include name)
Info - Camp & Advanced Clinic
Week 1 Registration
Week 2 Registration
Week 3 Registration
H.S. Registration
Info - Conditioning
H.S. Registration